Thursday, August 13, 2015

Is Spyke A Girl or A Boy?

Me and my friend that own this, one day looked at Spyke and wondered what gender is Spyke? I ended up looking it up. Nothing was promising though. My friend thinks Spyke's a boy. I think Spyke's a girl. I mean, s/he's wearing women clothing. Though, I looked it up more, and the answer to that question is.... Spyke's a boy! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Splatoon X Squid Girl

I bet a lot of you know the deal about Squid Girl.
Before the August 5th update, me and my friend (we own the blog) thought about how Squid Girl was related to Splatoon. It could have been that Nintendo watched that anime and got the idea for Splatoon.
Then when the update came out, we were checking the shops, and my friends shop had Squid Girl stuff in it. Our hunch was correct. I assume that Nintendo watched Squid Girl. Then got the idea for Splatoon.

                                                        © The Squid Blogs                                     

Friday, August 7, 2015

All Sunken Scroll Locations!

    Have you ever wondered where are all the Sunken Scrolls are in each single player level?
                                                                       Level 1 -                             
                             See the box in the back? You climb up the fat pillar and jump to it!

                                                                          Level 2 -
                       Walk up to the first power egg, then click ZL to become a squid.
                       You will go through the gates bringing you to the sunken scroll.

Level 3 -
Climb up the first pillar, then jump to the second.

Level 4 - 
Swim up the gusher, then go to the left, not the right where the ending is.

Level 5 -
Let the robots follow you then let them attack the sponge making it smaller.

Level 6 -
Don't get on the lift, splat the propeller making it go up then go under the lift.

Level 7 -
Stand on the spreader letting it go down.

Level 8 -
Once you've hit the final checkpoint turn to the left, and go behind the slope.

Level 9 -
Go past the gusher then turn into a squid leading you to the scroll.

Level 10 -
Splat all the rails then go all around the middle rail.

Level 11 -
Fight the circles and splat the floor at the top.

Level 12 -
Go to the left then on the ink rail shooting the invisible rail.

Level 13 -
Go to the right then turn left.

Level 14 -
After doing the Gusher, go to the left and then turn to the left to find the scroll.

Level 15 -

When you get to a checkpoint with a wall, go behind the wall. there will be a sunken scroll

Level 16 -

When you get to a cannon and defeat the Octarians go to the floating platform to get the scroll.

Level 17 -
When you see a hole with netting by an octosniper, go into the hole. The sunken scroll will be there.

Level 18 -
In the beginning of the level you will see a platform with a box. Jump from the spreader too the platform to grab it

Level 19 -
You will see 3 balloons to pop. pop the and keep going down, the turn around and you will see a hole. The scroll is there.

Level 20 -
Towards the end of the level you will find an ink railing,but ignore it. Slip through the metal grate in front of it to get the Scroll.

Level 21 -
Once you get to a checkpoint, go to the right and go through the gate.

Level 22 -
Wait for the platform to reveal the checkpoint, and jump to the back.

Level 23 -
Splat the bottom left sponge, then go onto the hidden platform.

Level 24 -
Jump on the spreaders avoiding the Octotrooper, then go on the platform on the left.

Level 25 -
Go to the top left and then fall to the bottom, going on the checkpoint ZL then get the scroll in the middle.

Level 26 -
Go to the left, then the left again, and activate the ink rail. Go to the normal right spawn point in a regular battle.

Level 27 -
Take out the Octosniper, then go to left wall, and climb up it, then go to the right to get it.

Hope that helped! Sorry about the explanations, I'm not the best at explaining.

© The Squid Blogs